Freitag, 17. August 2007

Takeing a look a the old RFOM swap trick!

Hey guys,

yesterday I had a bit of time to test some stuff. Maybe you remember the RFOM and F1 swap trick.

- Start the game
- Start Singleplayer
- When you in, press start eject your BR-D and insert a new one
- Wait some sec, and press exit
- The game you insert will now start

So do you ever wonder why? To be true it’s really easy. When you enter the Singleplayer game, the PS3 will close the EBOOT.BIN and start game.self. When you now exit the game, the .self will open the EBOOT.BIN again.

In the F1 game it is near the same. If you enter the online mode, the Ps3 will close EBOOT.BIN and will start ONLINE.BIN.

If you have the first update of RFOM on your Ps3, the swap trick will not work anymore. Now you ask why? All guys thought they might fixed this bug, but NO. It has nothing to do with it. Most updates are EBOOT.BIN files, so if you update the game, the EBOOT.BIN from the disc will start the boot.bin which exists on your HDD. Now when you start a singleplayer game, the boot.bin from HDD will start the game.self on the BD-R. When you exit, it will now start the boot.bin on hdd again. So you are not able to swap it ;)

Well at all this is not very useful right now, but I thought maybe some guys wonder how the swap trick works ;)

Have a nice weekend

Sonntag, 12. August 2007

The not existing exploit

Hey guys,

as you may already found out, found out a trick with a tif! But it's not new at all, you can use the same trick on a different way! I found it when I first tested my Warhawk exploit, some time ago! But well it's totally useless so I didn't released it :D

How to :

1. Start you Ps3, insert a original PS/PS2/Ps3 disc
2. Open the HDD cover on the side of you PS3
3. Start the game you insert.
4. Directly after you started the game, pull out your HDD, the Ps3 will now go into some kind of sleep mode
5. Insert your burned disc or original disc, I just tested it with Ps2/Ps3 discs, If you swap it with a original one it works, but not with a burned one.
6. Wait some seconds, insert the HDD again

Your swapped game should now start, ps2/ps3 burned games will exit with a error.

Have a nice day, oh and my ps3 works again after some hits with my hammer!


Freitag, 10. August 2007

Stop hacking!

Hey guys,

ok well, I have to stop testing stuff with my Ps3. Why? Simple, my Ps3 got broken. How? Well I ejected a Game, and then put a different one in. The Blue LED was blinking and then just turned off, with the disc still inside. Now when I press eject, my PS3 makes really crazy noises. So I have to give it back to EBgames, so they can send it back to my best friends (Sony).

Today, I will get a second HDD, from my friend PYRS (thank you for your support :)), so I will test some stuff, before sending the Ps3 back.

I will give you more information in the next days! Well I have still over 7 hours to Work (Switch/Server configuration), but then it’s weekend again :)

So have a nice weekend out there ;)
